Back Propagation (Low level code)
2022.10.17 13:08
Very old code, yet still valuable.
(Original Source) :
Pascal Exemplary Implementation of Back Propagation |
program BackPropagation; const MaxLayer = 5; { max. number of layers } MaxNeuron = 15; { max. number of neurons in one layer } MaxPattern = 50; { max. number of patterns } type Layers = 0..MaxLayer; { available layers } Neurons = 1..MaxNeuron; { available neurons } NeurThrs = 0..MaxNeuron; { neurons including thresholds source } Patterns = 1..MaxPattern; { usable patterns } Weights = array [Layers,NeurThrs,Neurons] of real; { Weights[i,j,k] : } { if j>0 ... weight from neuron j in layer i to } { neuron k in layer i+1 } { if j=0 ... threshold of neuron k in layer i+1 } var w,wold : Weights; { values of weights in time t and t-1 } x : array [Layers,NeurThrs] of real; { x[i,j] : } { if j>0 ... output value of neuron j in layer i } { if j=0 ... value -1 used as a threshold source } delta : array [Layers,Neurons] of real; { delta[i,j] = see remark after Eq.(18), concerning now neuron j in layer i } lmax : Layers; { layers = 0 [bottom]..lmax [top] } n : array [Layers] of Neurons; { number of neurons in each layer } t : Patterns; { number of learning patterns } xt, yt : array [Patterns,Neurons] of real; { all input and expected output patterns from T } y : array [Neurons] of real; { expected output pattern for one chosen pair from T } eta, alpha : real; { parameters of the algorithm - see Eq.(21) } Iters : integer; { number of iterations } Cycles : integer; { number of cycles } function S ( ksi:real ) : real; { neuron sigmoid transfer function } const lambda = 1; { sigmoid gain } RB = 30; { where to extrapolate the sigmoid by a constant } var inp : real; begin inp:=lambda*ksi; if inp>30 then S:=1 else if inp<-30 then S:=0 else S:=1/(1+exp(-inp)); end; procedure State; { new state of the network } var l : Layers; j : NeurThrs; k : Neurons; ksi : real; { neuron potential } begin for l:=1 to lmax do for k:=1 to n[l] do begin ksi:=0; for j:=0 to n[l-1] do ksi:=ksi+w[l-1,j,k]*x[l-1,j]; { neuron potential } x[l,k]:=S(ksi) { neuron output } end end; { x[lmax,k] is an actual output of the network } procedure ChangeWeights ( l:Layers ); { new weights for one layer } var j : NeurThrs; k : Neurons; saveW : real; begin for k:=1 to n[l+1] do for j:=0 to n[l] do begin saveW:=w[l,j,k]; w[l,j,k]:=w[l,j,k]- eta*delta[l+1,k]*x[l,j] + alpha*(w[l,j,k]-wold[l,j,k]); wold[l,j,k]:= saveW; end; end; procedure MakeDelta ( l:Layers ); { new delta's for one layer } var j, k : Neurons; CumulEr : real; { cumulative error over neurons in a layer } begin for j:=1 to n[l] do begin if l=lmax { top layer } then CumulEr:=x[lmax,j]-y[j] else begin CumulEr:=0; { calculate from previous layer } for k:=1 to n[l+1] do CumulEr:=CumulEr+delta[l+1,k]*w[l,j,k]; end; delta[l,j]:=x[l,j]*(1-x[l,j])*CumulEr end end; procedure NewWeights; { network new weights } var l : Layers; begin for l:=lmax-1 downto 0 do begin MakeDelta(l+1); { set up delta's in upper layer } ChangeWeights(l); { calculate weights in this layer } end end; function GlobalError : real; { global error over all layers of the network } var p : Patterns; j : Neurons; Er : real; begin Er:=0; for p:=1 to t do begin for j:=1 to n[0] do x[0,j]:=xt[p,j]; for j:=1 to n[lmax] do y[j]:=yt[p,j]; State; for j:=1 to n[lmax] do Er:=Er+Sqr(x[lmax,j]-y[j]); end; GlobalError:=Er; end; procedure Training; { provides learning of the patterns } var p : Patterns; j : Neurons; Error : real; { cumulative error for one iteration } iter, cycle : integer; begin writeln; { format for printed information } writeln('Iteration LayerError Pattern Cycle GlobalError'); for cycle:=1 to Cycles do begin write(chr(13),cycle:38,GlobalError:14:5); { prints of values } for p:=1 to t do begin write(chr(13),p:29); for j:=1 to n[0] do x[0,j]:=xt[p,j]; for j:=1 to n[lmax] do y[j]:=yt[p,j]; for iter:=1 to Iters do begin State; Error:=0; for j:=1 to n[lmax] do Error:=Error+Sqr(x[lmax,j]-y[j]); NewWeights; write(chr(13),iter:5,Error:16:5); end; end; end; writeln(chr(13),GlobalError:52:5); end; procedure Testing; { you can try how well the network is learned, } { specifying on the request one or more input vectors } var i : Neurons; c : char; begin writeln; repeat write('Enter network inputs (',n[0],' values) : '); for i:=1 to n[0] do read(x[0,i]); readln; State; write('Output of the network is',':':9); for i:=1 to n[lmax] do write(x[lmax,i]:5:2); write(' More testing [Y/N] ? '); read(c); until (c='N')or(c='n'); writeln; end; procedure InitNetwork; { !! network parameters initialization routine } var l : Layers; { this is the only task dependent procedure !! } j : NeurThrs; k : Neurons; f : text; begin lmax:=2; { the program will deal with the 4-2-4 network } n[0]:=4; n[1]:=2; n[2]:=4; RandSeed:=3456; {! remove the following brackets numbered 1 if you want to start always !} {! with new random weights; if you wish to repeat your experiments again !} {! using the same initialization of weights, let them be there !} {1 Randomize; 1} for l:=0 to lmax-1 do for j:=0 to n[l] do for k:=1 to n[l+1] do w[l,j,k]:=6*(Random-0.5)/10; wold:=w; eta:=0.3; alpha:=0.7; { choice of learning parameters } Iters:=15; Cycles:=40; { choice of number of iterations and cycles } {! remove brackets 2 if you do not want to create your own file of patterns!} {! according to similar template. After removing the brackets 2, you will !} {! train the net on identity of vertices of 4-dimensional cube as listed; !} {! note that the file starts with the number of training pairs. !} { copy patterns into file PATTERNS } {2 assign(f,'PATTERNS'); rewrite(f); writeln(f,5); writeln(f,'1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0'); writeln(f,'0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1'); writeln(f,'1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0'); writeln(f,'0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1'); writeln(f,'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '); close(f); 2} end; procedure InitImpl; { implementation init routine } var l : Layers; begin for l:=0 to lmax-1 do x[l,0]:=-1; { used as a threshold source for next layer } end; procedure InitPatterns; { learning patterns init routine } var p : Patterns; j : Neurons; f : text; begin assign(f,'PATTERNS'); reset(f); { use your own file of training set } read(f,t); writeln; { number of patterns } for p:=1 to t do begin for j:=1 to n[0] do begin read(f,xt[p,j]); { read inputs from PATTERNS } write(xt[p,j]:5:2); { and print them on screen } end; write(' '); for j:=1 to n[lmax] do begin read(f,yt[p,j]); { read outputs from PATTERNS } write(yt[p,j]:5:2); { and print them on screen } end; readln(f); writeln; end; close(f); end; begin { BackPropagation } InitNetwork; InitImpl; InitPatterns; Training; Testing; end. { BackPropagation } |
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// Other Resource in Turbo Pascal 6
{This is the source code for the simple neural network written in Turbo Pascal 6.0. The simplest way to download this file is to go the 'View Source Code' option of your browser and select the 'Save' option from the file menu. It should run without any changes. (Ignore the HTML and PRE tokens below - this is just to ensure that your Web browser doesn't mess around with the text formatting